ESD No. 1 Board Members
President: Derek Herring
Vice-President: Randy Schaefer
Treasurer: Karen Gallaher
Secretary: BruceSchneider
Member: Skip Dorsett
The board meets monthly, usually on the second Tuesday of each month.
It's highly encouraged that members of the community attend these meetings.
Caldwell/Hays Fire ESD No. 1 currently has a Board of 5 Commissioners. We are in a unique situation in being an ESD board for a fire protection district covering two counties (Hays and Caldwell)
As elected officials, the Commissioners serve as the representatives of the citizens who live in the District. The Commissioners are responsible for making certain the District is meeting the needs of those they serve. While the Fire Chief is the Chief Administrative Officer of the District and makes the day to day operational decisions, it is the Board’s responsibility to oversee the larger District considerations. Among these responsibilities are ensuring that District staff complies with applicable State and Federal mandates, preserving the District’s property and assets, stewarding the District’s finances and affairs, adopting an annual budget and monitoring progress towards reaching established goals.
Nov. 2020
Nov. 2023
Nov. 2024